Today, Governor Hogan announced the “Stay-At-Home” executive order. Below is the guidance that we received from the state to pass along- FAQ: In light of the Governor’s declaration today, as an essential business, what type of verification should I provide to my employees to travel to-from work? Answer: Currently, there is not a state-issued "Letter of Clearance" or similar document for employees of essential businesses to carry. It is recommended that employers draft and print their own letters containing:
The name and address of the employee
The name and address of the business
The nature of the employee’s work
Reasons why the employee’s work fits the definition of essential
The signature and contact info of the employer
It is recommended that employees carry such a letter on their person when traveling to-from work. The Governor is also asking all open “Essential” Businesses, please allow any employees who can effectively do their job from home, to allow them to do so. This is for the safety of your employees, the rest of your team, and for all Marylanders. See the sample letter below. Please be sure that all of your employees have this or similar documentation to use ONLY when traveling to and from work.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated forest products manufacturing as critical infrastructure and recognizes businesses active in the “manufacture and distribution of fiber and forest products, including, but not limited to timber, paper, and other wood products”as being essential to our community and keeps them working to the benefit of the public and the land.
To whomever it may concern, <bearer’s name> , is an employee or owner of <business name> (mill, logging company, trucking company, forestry services, firewood dealer, forestry association or group), and is performing essential job functions in the area of forest management or forest products production. It is necessary that the bearer of this authorization be able to proceed to work, conduct any and all functions of his/her job in whatever setting or locale required, and to return home after work, consistent with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) identification of the production of forest products as one of 16 critical infrastructure areas providing a vital service to the nation. This notice is issued in accordance with “shelter-in-place” Executive Order issued by Governor Larry Hogan pertaining to the COVID-19 virus.
The aforementioned individual is verified to work in Forestry & Forest Products Sector:
X <signature of person verifying the essential status of the bearer>
Name of Issuer
Title- Date-
Name of Business/Organization Phone-
For official updates on the state’s response to COVID-19, please visit A full list of current executive orders and interpretive guidance is available at: