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Considering a Timber Harvest? Now you can "Call Before You Cut"


Maryland has more than 2.5 million acres of woodlands, and the majority are owned and managed by private landowners. Many understand that successfully managing their property occasionally means cutting some trees for the overall health of the woods, but may have little knowledge about how best to do so.


Now they have access to a free program that can help them make informed decisions about the timber harvesting process. The “Call Before You Cut” program offers professional assistance to landowners considering timber sales. Landowners can receive complimentary information by visiting the website and selecting “Request Info,” or by calling 301-432-2767, extension 315.
Call Before You Cut began in Ohio in 2006, and has since grown to include states as far west as Missouri and as far north as Minnesota. In Maryland, the program is coordinated by the University of Maryland Extension, with support from a dozen conservation and land management partners across the state.


Call Before You Cut encourages sustainable harvesting of timber, supports the use of professional foresters, facilitates the development of forest stewardship plans, and promotes the use of Master Loggers to minimize the impacts of timber harvests on forests and the state’s valuable soil and water resources.
According to Jonathan Kays, Extension Forester with the University of Maryland Extension, “Having a credible information source that targets the nuts-and-bolts of timber harvesting can be a real asset for landowners when they need timely information concerning a harvest decision.”
The Call Before You Cut program will help woodland property owners achieve their management goals and help ensure the health of their forests for the coming years and future generations. Visit to learn more.


Maryland Call Before You Cut


(301) 432-2767 ext. 315



Follow MFA on Instagram @mdforests

Maryland Forests Association, Inc.

P.O. BOX 332, Linkwood, MD 21835

(410) 463 - 1755  •


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