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Regional Informational Meetings- 2021













Join us at one or all of our Regional Meetings "Marland's Forests- Great for the Environment and the Economy" to hear from forest industry experts. Learn more about the state of Maryland forestry, market opportunities, and how conservation and utilization are equally important elements of sustainable forestry. The theme was inspired by our latest project:
















The publication is the result of a collaboration made in partnership by MFA, MD/DE Society of American Foresters, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Maryland Forest Service, University of Maryland Extension, MD/DE Master Logger Program, and the Rural Maryland Council. The booklet serves to give readers a brief look at Maryland's forests and answers frequently asked questions. ​


We hope that readers gain a better idea of how we can sustain our forests for multiple uses for years to come. We hope you will join us in person to hear our featured speaker Phil Gottwals, ACDS. Phil and his team have spent over a year working on an Economic Adjustment Strategy, a plan to serve as a roadmap for recovery for the forest products industry. Learn about the strategies, initiatives, and actions identified in the plan. To view his presentation click here.  See below tentative for agendas and regionally-specific speakers. 


Four Regional Meetings

Register here


Southern Maryland - August 5th  from 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Sign-in begins at 11:30 AM

Lunch and program at Wisner Hall- Kings Landing Park

3255 Kings Landing Road, Huntingtown, MD 

Southern Maryland Agenda 



Western Maryland - August 27th  from 9:00 AM to Noon. Sign-in and light refreshments begin at 8:30 AM 

MFA is sponsoring the final day of the Allegheny SAF Summer Meeting. If you are already registered through SAF, there's no need to register here. 

Coffee and program at Rocky Gap State Park, Casino, & Resort

16701 Lakeview Road, Flintstone, MD

Western Maryland Agenda 



Central Maryland - Sept. 9th from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Sign-in begins at 11:30 AM

Lunch and program at Edrich Lumber Pavillion

9512 Old Court Road, Winsor Mill, MD 

Central Maryland Agenda


Eastern Shore - Sept. 16th from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Sign-in begins at 11:30 AM 

Lunch and Program at Blackwater Wildlife Refuge- Environmental Education Building- MASKS ARE REQUIRED!!!!

2145 Key Wallace Drive, Cambridge, MD

Eastern Shore Agenda

Attend "Maryland's Forests- Great for the Environment and the Economy"

Free event. Registration required.

Co-hosted by the Maryland Tree Farm Program.

Made possible with funding support from the Rural Maryland Council. 

For Media 

The media is invited to attend these events at no cost. Please register using the link above.

Contact Elizabeth Hill if you have any questions

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Follow MFA on Instagram @mdforests

Maryland Forests Association, Inc.

P.O. BOX 332, Linkwood, MD 21835

(410) 463 - 1755  •


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